Test your knowledge on pandas groupby with this quiz
Test your knowledge on pandas groupby with this quiz
Refer to this Dataset to solve Quiz
import as
df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': , 'Bill': })
df_grouped = df.groupby( ).sum()
John 35
Nick 46
Tom 74
df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Tom', 'Nick', 'John'], 'Age': [20, 21, 19], 'City': ['NY', 'NY', 'CH']})
df.groupby([ ])['Age']. ().sum()
df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Tom', 'Nick', 'John'], 'Age': [20, 21, 19], 'City': ['NY', 'NY', 'CH'], 'Year': [2020, 2021, 2022]})
df.pivot_table(values=" ", index=" ", columns=" ")
Name John Nick Tom
2020 NaN NaN 20.0
2021 NaN 21.0 NaN
2022 19.0 NaN NaN
df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Tom', 'Nick', 'John'], 'Age': [20, 21, 19], 'City': ['NY', 'NY', 'CH'], 'Sales': [100, 200, 300]})
df.groupby([ , ]).sum()
Age Sales
Name City
John CH 19 300
Nick NY 21 200
Tom NY 20 100
df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Tom', 'Nick', 'John'], 'Age': [20, 17, 19]})
df.groupby(" ").filter(lambda x: x["Age"]. () > 18)
Name Age
0 Tom 20
2 John 19
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Python has several types of operators. Mathematical, Assignment, Comparison, Logical, Identity, Membership, Bitwise operators.
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Improve your analytical skills by practicing the following tasks
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