The Realistic though Dramatic story of AI Superstar

Let’s enjoy the highly interesting story of Tech Superstar chronologically.

Nov 17

The unexpected firing of OpenAI’s CEO, Sam Altman, on November 17 sent shockwaves through the tech world. The board cited Altman’s lack of transparency as the reason behind his dismissal, prompting Mira Murati to assume the role of temporary CEO.

Nov 18

Adding to the turmoil, the company faced additional setbacks as its president and three senior researchers—Jakub Pachocki, Aleksander Madry, and Szymon Sidor—resigned in quick succession, followed later by Greg Brockman.

Following are the series of tweets on by parties involved. Sam Altman as @sama, Greg Brockman as @gdb.

Nov 20

Amid the drama, Altman took to Twitter ( on November 20, sharing a photo holding an OpenAI guest ID pass, symbolizing his abrupt departure from the groundbreaking company he co-founded in 2015. The post quickly gained traction on social media, garnering over 13 million views.

In matter of 12 hours of openai’s boards proceedings microsoft shared a tweet about hiring sam altman.

Nov 20

In a surprising turn, on November 20, Microsoft announced it had hired Altman to lead a new advanced AI research team. The team’s primary focus would be developing GPT-4 Turbo, an enhanced iteration of the popular GPT-4 model capable of generating text, images, audio, and video. Microsoft’s CEO, Satya Nadella, warmly welcomed Altman to the company, expressing excitement about collaborating on the future of AI.

Nov 22

In a surprising turn of events, Sam Altman has been reinstated as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of OpenAI, His return as CEO of OpenAI is significantly influenced by the support he received from Microsoft, particularly from its CEO, Satya Nadella. Altman, co-founder of OpenAI.

What to expect from openAI in future?

Sam Altman’s return to OpenAI could signal a strategic shift towards AI hardware. He aims to raise funds for new AI chip and hardware companies, beyond software applications. This aligns with his vision for cutting-edge tech and could position OpenAI at the forefront of AI innovation, beyond ChatGPT.

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