Unlocking the Power of TF-IDF with Python

TF-IDF method belongs to domain of information retrieval,

TF – IDF (Term Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency)

Hello, future data scientists and coding aficionados! Today, we’re venturing into the realm of text analysis with a focus on one of its most powerful tools: TF-IDF. Standing for Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency, TF-IDF is a statistical measure that evaluates the importance of a word within a document relative to a collection of documents, known as a corpus. This technique is not only fascinating but also pivotal in various applications, including information retrieval, keyword extraction, and document classification.

The TF-IDF is employed in the field of information retrieval, which entails a number of statistical techniques to translate text into a quantitative vector of fractals. 

Text mining and user modelling are accomplished using these techniques.

This is a statistical method to extract information from documents. It uses human language to retrieve information. It works by retrieving the relevancy of a term in a corpus.

It’s obviously hard for a computer to extract information from a human-readable document, so TF-IDF converts it to numerical format.

In TF-IDF, words are measured with their frequency in sentences and number of sentences they are used in.

We need a corpus to apply TF-IDF to, so we will be using the following corpus in our code. (corpus is a collection of text information, it might or might not be structured according to use case. )

from google.colab import drive
with open('/content/drive/MyDrive/Python Course/NLP/TFIDF/corpustfidf.txt','r', encoding='utf8',errors='ignore') as file:
    study = file.read().lower()
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Term frequency

TF is a unit for counting a word’s frequency in a document compared to all other words in the document. The number of times the word appears in a document is divided by the total number of words. This will give us how common the word is in a document.

Before we move, we need to remove stop words such as is, was, to, from, in, etc. To stop these words from overshadowing other words, we need to remove them before calculations.

image 14
TF formula



In the following code, we will document words into lists of sentences and sentences into lists of words.

tokens=[[y for y in x.split(' ')] for x in study.split('\n') if x!='']

Remove Stopwords

Remove stop words from tokens using nltk library’s stop words list.

# import libraries
import re
# function to remove stopwords and special characters
def process(word):
    # check for empy strings
    if word!='':
        # remove stopwords
        if word.lower() not in stop:
            # remove special characters from tokens
            return re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9]+', '', word)

tokens=[[process(y) for y in x.split(' ') if process(y)!=None] for x in study.split('\n') if x!='']
uniques = set([y for x in tokens for y in x])

calculate term frequency

In the following code, we will calculate the term frequency of each word according to its sentence. this process can be called TF vectorizer

def tfc(word,sen_list):
    return sen_list.count(word)/len(sen_list)
#tf=[{y:tfc(y,x[1]) for y in x[1]} for x in zip(tf,tokens)]
tf=[{y:tfc(y,x) for y in x} for x in tokens]

[{'python': 0.2,
  'highlevel': 0.2,
  'generalpurpose': 0.2,
  'programming': 0.2, 
  'language': 0.2},
 {'design': 0.125,
  'philosophy': 0.125,
  'emphasizes': 0.125,
  'code': 0.125,
  'readability': 0.125,
  'use': 0.125,
  'significant': 0.125,
  'indentation': 0.125}]

Inverse Document Frequency

While TF works on the frequency of common words in documents. It doesn’t account for rare but important words in a document. The IDF works to raise the value of uncommon words.

IDF is used as a normalizer to reduce the value of common words while increasing the value of rare words.

image 16
IDF Formula


Calculate IDF

In the following code we will count number of appearances of a word in sentences and divide it from number of documents in corpus and take the log of answer.

this process can be called IDF vectorizer.

import math
def idfc(uniques,tokens,len_doc):
    for i in uniques:
        for j in tokens:
            if i in j:
    return x
{'2007': 1.4313637641589874,
 '2000': 1.4313637641589874,
 'focus': 1.130333768495006,
 'numerical': 1.4313637641589874,
 'related': 1.4313637641589874,
 'garbagecollected': 1.4313637641589874,
 'usage': 1.130333768495006,
 'become': 1.4313637641589874,
 '30': 1.4313637641589874,
 'python': 0.43136376415898736,
 'paradigms': 1.4313637641589874,
 'created': 1.4313637641589874,
  'creator': 0.9542425094393249,
 'would': 1.4313637641589874}


The TF-IDF value of a term is calculated by multiplying the TF and IDF values for a specific word. Which gives us the actual importance of a term. Important words have a higher TF-IDF value.

In following equation, we are concluding the calculation of TF-IDF values

image 15
TF IDF formula


Calculate TF-IDF

Multiply IDF vector values into TF’s matching words.

tf_idf=[{y:x[y]*idf[y] for y in idf if x.get(y)} for x in tf]
{'python': 0.08627275283179747,
 'highlevel': 0.22606675369900123,
 'generalpurpose': 0.2862727528317975,
 'programming': 0.1464787519645937,
 'language': 0.1464787519645937}

TF-IDF can be used in cases of information retrieval, text summarization, keyword extraction, vectors, and word embeddings.

Other corpus vectorization methods

TF-IDF vs. Word2Vec vs. Bag-of-Words vs. BERT.


Basically, a bag of words is a TF of all words in a corpus. In a bag of words, we count the frequency of a word in a sentence throughout the whole corpus. It lacks the IDF normalisation of TF-IDF.


Word 2 Vec describes its function through the name, its word vectorizer. word2vec employs 2 layer neural networks for corpus input. word2vec is context-aware of a word in a corpus. Whereas TF-IDF is not context-aware of a word nor does it understand the semantic meaning.

BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations From Transformers)

Whereas word2vec only 2 layers and uses a neural network. BERT goes one step further and uses a deep neural network to create corpus vectors.

Stemmers And Lemmatization

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Chatbot From Scratch with nltk

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